dread locks, The religion Rastafrianism long time ago the poor black population in Jamaica. inspiration of spirituality and Respect for one`s true self. today is a way of life !
July. 2009. in New York How complicated to refill your T-Mobile Prepaid Phone (?) They are not doing it with a computer, like everywhere abroad. You`ve to get the refill card /you can buy it at the Tobacco Store/ You`ve to follow the instruction on the card. 1st. Step, You`ve to call the number /you can find it on the card/ than wait....than you`ll hear the voice; press this and that button ! Not easy to do it - 2nd call; wait again to talk to the representative /you`re holding a phone another 15-20 minits......... the representative will ask your phone number -/they can see it on their monitor, but they are want to hear your voice/ than they are put you on -hold- after that She or He`ll tell you; -You are not in their system ! - /you where using the same phone with a same slip card for more than a week, -that time you where in their System?/ 3rd step; She or He`ll ask your slim card number -/what does it means?/ - You`ve to hung up again and turn off your phone and take out the battery and remove the slim card and write down the numbers.........after that you did it, than you`ve to call back and wait for a voice sounds, again another 15-20 minutes, finally you can talk to a Real Person /another representative/-you`ve to repeat yourself -than you can tell them the slim card number, the representative`ll tell you , 3 number is missing from your slim card numbers......The representative`ll give you a number what you have to call back........ That is a Long Game, what you`ve to play with their rules on their way ! /takes about one hour / Finally, you can get the 10 dollars refill -and- You got a special feeling at the end, the Shaw is over ! than you can celebrate the way how you feel like, that was the All Fool`s Day !
The Clinic, I had an appointment to see a Doctor. So, I was running, try to not to be late, My camera was with me. When I step in to the door, the Security Guard Stop Me `couse My Camera Not allowable to bring it in... finally, an other Lady told me just, take out the lens, than I can go. I did it after, when I pass the door, I put it back. Nobody stop me. I just, start to think about it....and I questioned myself, why they didn`t check the cell phones ? few good one has a built in excellent camera. When somebody want to take a picture inside a Clinic, they can use their cell phone, it is able to take a perfect photograph ! I just, couldn`t find the logical answer. I do not have to take nothing earnestly, No gravity today ?
Prescription, After the visit, I got my prescription from the Doctor, I went to three different Pharmacy to get my medicine. I couldn`t get it because none of them has it ! I got enough and I asked somebody at the Pharmacy; What should I do, where can I get my medicine ? The answer was; go to the Medicine Supply House. /where is located? / Nobody could Help me! at this time I didn`t start to think about nothing I just, realized something, The humans lost their brain (?) - or - They are just, got lazy with an empty head (?) The laziness is the Trend today ?
Buy a cigarette in 2009. Location; New York - I just, wanted to buy a pack of cigarette at the Pharmacy. I was waiting in line and I told Her, what kind of cigarette I want to get. The Cashier Girl, ask my date of birth, askew. My answer was a question; Why you are asking me that? - She said; " I have to register it " /that was a surprise - how about my shoe size? / / Whatever could Happen (?) - I was so curious and I told Her; I do not have a Birthday or I just, don`t remember! / She said; - You can not buy a cigarette. - Ok ! /I said./ and I told Her My birthday; January 22. 1864. She did the registration. / That is the way, how I became 145 years old /, but I got my cigarette !
Back to Nature. I made a drawing in jun.28th 09. - Title; People with tree, you can see it here; http://www.biroart.blogspot.com this one is the Real Nature tree in the WSq.Park july.2009
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